In this capital city of Jordan, where all preparation to hosting Asian Women Football Championship are at the final stages, the 3rd Asian Women Sports Journalists Workshop has been proving an active platform for the football writers to learning professional skills and update their knowledge on coverage techniques of international level sports events. Various experts of the relevant disciplines have been delivering lectures at the moot. On the 2nd Day of the workshop, a senior journalist, Rabi Muhammad Almamsah presented his keynote lecture on the subject – how to improve sports journalism; tailor rules and regulations of the respective games in line with modern day demands and make the write ups worthy of reading? He described the capacity building of sports journalists with special focus on their knowledge development on any game, a fundamental requirement.

Participants of 3rd Women Sports Journalists Workshop poses with Dr. Raed Hamada after the certificates distribution ceremony
Another speaker, Khalid Al Qudah talked on fatigue aspect with which the journalists suffer while rendering their professional duties and said that while covering events at night time, one should avoid to playing with feelings of players. A positive attitude and role on part of a journalist in this respect may develop constructive image of the sports writers amongst the outer world. Similarly, Husam Barakat while expressing his views detailed out the means – how to reform personality aspects when someone is active at the sports arenas? The sports journalists must keep in mind the personality oriented miraculous qualities of a sportsmen, organizers and the managers as well.
Hiba Sabbagh who bears the credit to have participated the first ever Asian Sports Women Workshop at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and presently entrusted with the responsibility to act as Media Officer of the Asian Women Football Championship described the ongoing 3rd moot of the series, a worthwhile headway in this respect. This, she said, has offered an ample opportunity to the delegates to sit together, alongside to availing the opportunity of covering the international football event and both AIPS ASIA and AFC deserve acknowledgement of their valuable contribution in making all this possible. She also presented a detailed resume of the coverage techniques of a sports event and said that without properly adhering to the rules and regulations of conduct of the respective game, making perfect performance is impossible.
At least, she said, a sports reporter should go through press kit before stepping into a ground to avoid any untoward incident. She also apprised the delegates that the championship was being joined by teams from Australia, Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and the host country Jordan. Formal contests of the championship are scheduled to start from 6th April and it will continue till 20th of this month. During the championship, best ever coverage facilities have been made available to sports journalists. Meanwhile, the Secretary General of AIPS ASIA, Amjad Aziz Malik briefed the delegates in detail on historical background especially on working and salient features of the achievements of AIPS and its Asian wing in particular. The delegates of the Asian Women Sports Journalists Workshop were also taken to the International Football Stadium of Amman
By: Muhammad Haroon AIPS ASIA
Tags: AIPS ASIA, Asia, Jordan, Sports, Sports Journalists, Women, Workshop