One sure way to stay in shape and keep you fit is running. A few weeks ago, The Sports Mirror caught up with yoga and fitness enthusiast Prerna Sinha – Founder of MaaOfAllBlogs during Airtel Delhi Half Marathon for an exclusive interview.
In an interview, The Sports Mirror asked Prerna a little bit about her running life and how she’s grown to appreciate the sport.
The Sports Mirror: How Running has changed your life?
Prerna: I have always been into fitness but running came to me just four years back when my husband enrolled me for a Half Marathon (21 kms) and I took it up as a challenge. I have to say I practised the most that year. So on weekends I only do a late night on a Friday, as Saturday nights are meant for peaceful sleep before the run. On a regular weekday too, I have changed my schedule to fit my morning runs. The concept of sleeping in late is gone forever and now my body actually likes it. Running brings discipline in your life as you can’t just wake-up and go for a race, you have to practice and condition your body for it. I realised running works on my body like nothing else. What I absolutely love about running is that I can run whenever and wherever I want to. All I need is my running shoes.
The Sports Mirror: What fitness/running tips do you have for our budding/new runners?
- Start slow, build up stamina and then push yourself.
- Don’t overdo it: You run and compete with only yourself. Even at the lowest speed, I feel it’s about running that extra mile than running fewer miles at a faster pace. But then it’s how you set your goals. If you’re good, there is always someone better than you and if you’re slow there is always someone who would be running behind you.
- Enjoy your run rather than setting unreasonable timing goals. We have enough stress in life to add this one too.
- Remember to always keep te correct posture while running or you may end up injuring yourself.
- Pay a lot of emphasis on your shoes. For e.g. I over-pronate so I have to wear correction shoes. If you don’t you might get yourself injured or your knees will give away soon.
The Sports Mirror: Do you offer your fitness or training services to others?
Prerna: I am not a certified coach, I am just a fitness enthusiast. I try and motivate women around me and my readers by sharing my fitness journey and getting experts on board. Slowly I see the environment around me changing. It’s pretty simple, my readers/friends believe if I can do it so can they. I guess not being a super role model and being a more realistic role model helps. I am just mom-next-door.
The Sports Mirror: What sports do you play?
Prerna: I gym twice a week , practice yoga thrice and run 3-4 times in a week. I don’t know if they qualify as sports, but they keep me fit .
The Sports Mirror: What are your fitness goals for 2016?
Prerna: This year is all about core strengthening and focus. Even with my kind of workouts, I realised that my core is not strong enough. So I want to build up core strength which will help me improve all my fitness goals.
Take my kids along in this journey. While both of them are naturally sporty, they are lazy. I want to not only pursue fitness but make them practice too.
Back to the roots: This is my mantra for 2016. I want to improve my yoga practice which has huge benefits. Head towards a more natural living.
The Sports Mirror: What’s new in store for MaaOfAllBlogs?
Prerna: There are lots of changes happening in the blog. We are bringing in more contributors, tying up with experts to get my readers answers to their queries and we have launched a wellness box, ‘The Yogi Box’, in partnership with YogiToday.
The Yogi Box is a monthly subscription box of natural products that inspire people and empower them to embark on their holistic wellness journey. A perfect gift for you and your loved one, The Yogi Box is just for Rs. 599 + shipping/ month.
Each month unbox an offering of natural, organic and novel products that nourish you Inside-Out! This has a steady mix of skin care products , aromatic candles, jewellery and much more.
You can order COD from our website.
The Sports Mirror: Thanks so much for chatting with us Prerna!
Prerna: My pleasure!
Tags: Airtel Delhi Half Marathon, Fitness, MaaOfAllBlogs, Marathon, Prerna Sinha, Runner, Running, Sport, Sports, The Yogi Box, Yoga, YogiToday